SFL 24 V3

Sport For Life 2024

Summary of progress April 2023-March 2024.

Sport For Life 2024 is our annual review. It covers the fourth year of our corporate strategy, Sport for Life.

Between April 2023 and March 2024, Scotland’s sporting system has demonstrated strength and resilience, and while we acknowledge there are significant challenges facing the sector, we have truly been inspired by the collaboration, support, and ongoing commitment of local and national partners.

This annual review therefore aims to demonstrate our progress against the outcomes in Sport For Life between 1 April, 2023 and 31 March, 2024. Through personal stories we also highlight the impact of our collaborative work with partners across the system.

This year's stories

Scottish Women's Badminton Team 

West Lothian Cycle Circuit 

Scottish Disability Sport Summer Camp

Going for School Sport Award Gold! 

Perth Parrots and The Sport for Change Network 

Creating safe spaces within community sport 

Find out more

Are you inspired?

If you are inspired by #SportForLife24 and would like to get involved or find out more about sport in your local area, head to the home page of the sportscotland website or one of the following sections:

Want to continue the conversation?

We'd love to hear your feedback on #SportForLife24 - please email the communications team at sportscotland.

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