Katie Archibald Sf

Let's talk about concussion

Concussion educators at 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships mass participation events

World Champion Katie Archibald has spoken about the two concussions she has sustained while cycling and the importance of the phased return to training and competition advocated by her doctor and coaches. As Katie prepares to compete in the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships sportscotland is taking concussion education to the masses with two public events.


Concussion in sport doesn’t just happen to performance athletes in high octane sports like Katie’s, it impacts on participants in grassroots sport too. And while most people who participate in sports like cycling do so safely, we want to make sure everyone involved in sport is aware of how to recognise a concussion and what to do if they suspect someone is concussed.

As part of the ongoing work on concussion across the sporting sector, sportscotland and a team of educators will be at the two Gran Fondo mass participation events at the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships. Using the NHS Education for Scotland Mobile Skills Unit (MSU), the team will be on hand to raise awareness of the issue of concussion and provide information on the resources available, including the Scottish Sports Concussion guidance and the recently released UK-wide concussion guidelines for grassroots sport. Visitors will also be able to take an online concussion training module developed by British Cycling. If in doubt, sit them out

The MSU will be in the event village at Scone Palace for the Gran Fondo on Friday 4 August and the Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc in Dundee which will host the finish of the individual time trial on Monday 7 August.

Everyone involved in sport has a role to play in concussion so come along and chat to the experts to find out more. And don't forget - if in doubt, sit them out!

Find out more

Grassroots sports concussion education and resources 

British Cycling concussion education module

2023 UCI Cycling World Championships Gran Fondo events

Tickets are still available for the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships 


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