Wrestling 1

Focus on...Wrestling

Wrestling to bring communities together

Sport plays a crucial role in building strong communities and connecting people from all walks of life. Scottish Wrestling have been working to build opportunities for communities to connect and reap the physical, mental, and social benefits of participating in sport.

A universal language

Vasile Jornea, Scottish Wrestling Development Director, said:

“Sport is a universal language that transcends barriers of race, religion, gender, and socioeconomic status. It provides a common ground where individuals can connect, learn from each other, and form bonds of camaraderie.”

“Wrestling events can unite communities through shared enthusiasm, support for local athletes, and the collective experience of competition.”

“Through regular training and meets, it fosters a sense of belonging, teamwork, and mutual respect among participants. The inclusive nature of wrestling, where people of all abilities can participate and excel, further contributes to its ability to unify communities.”

Engaging with local communities

Sport provides an opportunity to engage with local communities in a variety of ways. In relation to wrestling, Vasile said:

“Firstly, local clubs engage with the community and local partners to deliver wrestling sessions and seminars. Most of our clubs also connect with local schools to raise awareness of the sport.”

“In addition, local tournaments and interclub competitions create increased community interest and involvement.”

Impact of participating in sport

The physical and mental benefits of participating in sport are huge, but the social impact, particularly as we continue to recover from the aftershocks of the COVID-19 pandemic, is just as important. Vasile commented:

“Participation in wrestling can have a significant positive social impact, especially following the pandemic.”

“Physically, it can help improve fitness levels and contribute to better health. Psychologically, it can boost self-esteem, resilience, and mental wellbeing. Wrestling teaches discipline, focus, and perseverance - traits that are beneficial in every aspect of life. The sport also helps foster social skills like teamwork, communication, and leadership.”

“As communities recover from the pandemic, these qualities are more important than ever in rebuilding social connections and personal growth.”

Increasing participation and widening access

Vasile highlighted:

“To widen access and encourage more people to get involved in wrestling, several initiatives are considered.”

“More accessible and structured Talent Development Programmes have been introduced for all age categories. The local clubs’ training programmes are designed for various age groups and skill levels, from beginner to advanced. We also offer amazing opportunities for both men and women to participate equally.”

“Wrestling provides quality coaching, thus ensuring a safe and supportive environment for all participants. Grappling with inequality projects are running across the country to support the people in financial need to access wrestling activities.”

Getting involved

“The best starting point for someone looking to get involved in wrestling is to find a local club or community centre that offers wrestling training. You can sign up for beginner classes or workshops to get a feel for the sport.”

“It’s also beneficial to attend local wrestling events to understand the sport better and get a sense of the community. Additionally, there are online resources and tutorials for beginners that can provide some basic knowledge and techniques.”

“The clubs can offer activities for all age groups. No matter the path chosen, the most important thing is to start – wrestling is a sport that welcomes everyone, regardless of their experience level.”

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