Hockey coaching in action

Focus On ... Hockey

How the Lead the Way programme is developing people on and off the pitch

Scottish Hockey’s Lead the Way programme, now in its fourth year, is proving to be a huge success for the sport. With over 75 participants across four years, ranging in age from 16 years old to over 50 years old, with many graduates going on to leadership roles in hockey, and in other sport organisations.

Lead the Way

Lead the Way is a skills development programme designed to help develop the skill sets of club and district leaders within hockey in Scotland. The programme does this by delivering workshops; talks and online learning with a focus around a number of key topic areas. This year's programme includes sessions on growth mind set; club culture; mental health; having difficult conversations; and leadership talks.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Lead the Way programme was delivered entirely online and has led Scottish Hockey to build its current blended learning programme. This also now includes a conference, which is delivered with representatives from Lead the Way previous cohorts attending to engage with Changing Lives content.

Personal Development

As part of the programme, each participant develops a personal development plan, with Scottish Hockey’s Regional Development Managers (RDMs) assigned as mentors to help identify and achieve goals with participants, in both the short and longer term.

Through the programme, Lead the Way graduates have gone onto roles in organisations such as sportscotland, Scottish Sports Futures and three Lead the Way graduates have even gained roles within Scottish Hockey itself. Other graduates have taken key leadership and coaching roles within their clubs.

Lead the Way has also produced significant pieces of work through tasks and challenges set within the programme. One example is the creation of a mental health case study by Lead the Way members, which evidenced where hockey clubs can support their members off the pitch.

Scottish Hockey has found through feedback that Lead the Way participants feel they have become more confident individuals through the programme, which will have a positive impact on their own personal development and career prospects, as well as within their club, district and Scottish Hockey projects over the mid-long term.

Previous participants

Lead the Way graduate Eilidh Campbell was part of the mental health case study and said, “Lead the Way has been an amazing programme to be part of. It has given me huge insight to Scottish Hockey and the different clubs around Scotland. It is a great way to get involved with things you’re passionate about and work with Scottish Hockey on some key initiatives.

“Lead the Way has given me some incredible opportunities, such as creating a mental health case study and being involved in the CEO recruitment process. It’s a great way to connect with other people, and it’s provided me with a lot of new skills. I recommend this programme to everyone.”

There are many ways for people to join the Lead the Way programme. People can apply or be nominated by their club.

There is also a referral system in place, where Lead the Way graduates can recommend club members for the next intake, increasing the chances of motivated and engaged people applying for the programme. Over the last couple of years this has really improved the quality of candidates, and their progression within the programme.

Find out more

- About Lead the Way

- About Hockey on Sport First

- About Focus On articles on Sport First

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